Andrew from TravelEssence

'83411' door Andrew from TravelEssence '83411' door Andrew from TravelEssence

Nieuw-ZeelandBay of Plenty, Coromandel, Eastland

Nieuw-ZeelandBay of Plenty, Coromandel, Eastland

Sandy Bay, Coromandel

Andrew from TravelEssence

This is the north eastern side of Coromandel. As you can see in the height of summer it is very busy...

'83408' door Andrew from TravelEssence '83408' door Andrew from TravelEssence

Nieuw-ZeelandZuid Centraal Eiland

Nieuw-ZeelandZuid Centraal Eiland

Lake Pukaki- Icy...Gl

Andrew from TravelEssence

That beautiful blue water, full of minerals from the glacier is ball clinchingly cold.

'83403' door Andrew from TravelEssence '83403' door Andrew from TravelEssence

Nieuw-ZeelandChristchurch omgeving

Nieuw-ZeelandChristchurch omgeving

Sunset on Lake...Ells

Andrew from TravelEssence

I raced over the hill from Akaroa to get this before the sun went away. In summer the lake is full of birds and watching the sun go down with the mountains in the background and all the birds coming and going and having dinner is rather pleasant.

'83402' door Andrew from TravelEssence '83402' door Andrew from TravelEssence

Nieuw-ZeelandBay of Plenty, Coromandel, Eastland

Nieuw-ZeelandBay of Plenty, Coromandel, Eastland

White Island Steam

Andrew from TravelEssence

White Island off the Bay of Plenty is an active volcano that used to be a sulphur mine. Next to this steaming hill is a pool of sulphuric acid with a negative pH level. Someone fell in there years ago and the only thing that was left was a piece of shoe...

'467846' door Andrew from TravelEssence '467846' door Andrew from TravelEssence

Nieuw-ZeelandMarlborough, Nelson, Kaikoura

Nieuw-ZeelandMarlborough, Nelson, Kaikoura

Free Foot Massage in.

Andrew from TravelEssence

Kaikoura Beach is covered in very small, round, black pebbles. On a warm day the top layer is hot and dry. The layer underneath is cold and wet. When you walk barefooted the stones roll softly under your feet mixing hot and cold, wet and dry. After 5 minutes your eyes will roll around in your head and you will be delirious. The view is awe inspiring too. Spa treatments Andrew style.

'467844' door Andrew from TravelEssence '467844' door Andrew from TravelEssence

Nieuw-ZeelandZuid Centraal Eiland

Nieuw-ZeelandZuid Centraal Eiland

Arthur's and Lewis...

Andrew from TravelEssence

Both of these roads are just stunning. Miss them and cry in sadness. Drive them. Take your time if you can and make time to stay. Cry in joy. Its all so huge that you will feel so very small. Mother Nature kicking some serious arse. Love it.

'467843' door Andrew from TravelEssence '467843' door Andrew from TravelEssence

Nieuw-ZeelandNorthland, Bay of Islands

Nieuw-ZeelandNorthland, Bay of Islands

The Coast Roads south

Andrew from TravelEssence

To the south east of Auckland is a beautiful coast road if you come from the Coromandel. Turn right towards Miranda Hot Springs and stick to the coast. Its a great run and a nice way to enter Auckland. To the north head right at Warkworth and drive up past Leigh, Pakari (my favourite beach), Mangawai and on to Waihi to hit the main road again. At Whangarei head eat towards Tutukaka and from there up the coast via Matapouri (where I spent my holidays), Sandy and Whale bays. All great beaches and lovely drives off the main road. Elliots Bay further north east of the Bay of Islands is also stunning. Ask if you can stay on the beach. Tips from Andrew.

'467842' door Andrew from TravelEssence '467842' door Andrew from TravelEssence



Doubtful Sound NOT...

Andrew from TravelEssence

Its so much bigger, far less busy but most of all MUCH more beautiful. Overnight trips are better as you can wake up to grab great moody, magical pictures. And then you have the place to just the boat you are on. Compare that to the thousands of people each day that visit Milford, and you will love the solitude. Travel tips from Andrew.

'467841' door Andrew from TravelEssence '467841' door Andrew from TravelEssence

Nieuw-ZeelandNorthland, Bay of Islands

Nieuw-ZeelandNorthland, Bay of Islands

Start in the South

Andrew from TravelEssence

I have one simple tip for anyone planning to visit New Zealand: Start in the South. The reason for a keen photographer is that as you drive towards the sun you get a far better view with deeper perspectives, more overlaying mountains, hills and coast. Its so much nicer to look at. The other reasons include that rental cars are often cheaper to drive south to north as most do it the other way round so they need cars brought north again. and also you can get used to driving on the other side of the road in a more relaxed way than arriving in Auckland. Also at the end you dont need to be up early to first fly to Auckland, but you can drive from Coromandel or on the coast north of Auckland to the airport in Auckland and just take off. New Zealand travel tips from Andrew.

'81721' door Andrew from TravelEssence '81721' door Andrew from TravelEssence



The Great Ocean Road.

Andrew from TravelEssence

Well worth getting up early for and I had this busy road all to myself. I think I saw 3 cars in an hour. In summer it would be packed with people and in winter no one.

'81720' door Andrew from TravelEssence '81720' door Andrew from TravelEssence



Early one morning on.

Andrew from TravelEssence

The advantage of travelling in winter is that dawn is at a reasonable hour- about 0715 here I think.

'81719' door Andrew from TravelEssence '81719' door Andrew from TravelEssence

AustraliëSouth Australia

AustraliëSouth Australia

Waves Rolling in at..

Andrew from TravelEssence

Nice waves. Nice rocks. Nice sky. Me happy.

'81718' door Andrew from TravelEssence '81718' door Andrew from TravelEssence

AustraliëSouth Australia

AustraliëSouth Australia

Let there be light

Andrew from TravelEssence

Poltalloch Station on the coast near Adelaide.

'80543' door Andrew from TravelEssence '80543' door Andrew from TravelEssence



Ginger Man

Andrew from TravelEssence

Mongkok street markets

'80542' door Andrew from TravelEssence '80542' door Andrew from TravelEssence



Star Ferry and the...

Andrew from TravelEssence

Grey brown. Hong Kongs favourite colour.

'80453' door Andrew from TravelEssence '80453' door Andrew from TravelEssence

Nieuw-ZeelandMarlborough, Nelson, Kaikoura

Nieuw-ZeelandMarlborough, Nelson, Kaikoura

Interislander and...M

Andrew from TravelEssence

This was taken from the back of the Interislander on the way from Picton to Wellington. Dusk is a great time for this.

'80451' door Andrew from TravelEssence '80451' door Andrew from TravelEssence



Sailing on Auckland..

Andrew from TravelEssence

This classic yacht does 8 knots in 10 knots of wind. She glides along like a hot knife through butter. She was built in the 1930's from New Zealand timber. Her owner Chad Thompson loves her. She is called Prize.

'80447' door Andrew from TravelEssence '80447' door Andrew from TravelEssence



Rangitoto at Dawn

Andrew from TravelEssence

Rangitoto at dawn on the ferry to Waiheke.

'80446' door Andrew from TravelEssence '80446' door Andrew from TravelEssence

Nieuw-ZeelandMarlborough, Nelson, Kaikoura

Nieuw-ZeelandMarlborough, Nelson, Kaikoura

Get your crayfish her

Andrew from TravelEssence

On the coast just north of Kaikoura, a picnic spot with fresh crayfish from the crappy caravan.

'80366' door Andrew from TravelEssence '80366' door Andrew from TravelEssence

Nieuw-ZeelandZuid West Nieuw-Zeeland

Nieuw-ZeelandZuid West Nieuw-Zeeland

Bruce Bay at Dawn

Andrew from TravelEssence

This was a magic morning and I had a very nice time with my camera.

'80365' door Andrew from TravelEssence '80365' door Andrew from TravelEssence

Nieuw-ZeelandBay of Plenty, Coromandel, Eastland

Nieuw-ZeelandBay of Plenty, Coromandel, Eastland

Secret Cove at...Coro

Andrew from TravelEssence

This is just around the gravel road from Kououtona. You can walk down here and have the beach all for yourself.

'80364' door Andrew from TravelEssence '80364' door Andrew from TravelEssence

Nieuw-ZeelandNoord Centraal Eiland

Nieuw-ZeelandNoord Centraal Eiland

Grizzly Volcanoes

Andrew from TravelEssence

The grey cloud and yellow gorse just bounced out.

'80363' door Andrew from TravelEssence '80363' door Andrew from TravelEssence



Manapouri and Toitoi

Andrew from TravelEssence

Foreground, background.

'80362' door Andrew from TravelEssence '80362' door Andrew from TravelEssence

Nieuw-ZeelandZuid West Nieuw-Zeeland

Nieuw-ZeelandZuid West Nieuw-Zeeland

Nikau Palms at...Puna

Andrew from TravelEssence

Love these trees just sticking up in the mist



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